Monday, June 4, 2007

How to Protect Your Trade Secrets in China?

There are four major regimes of intellectual property: trademark, patent, copyright, and trade secret. Trade secrets are the oldest and probably not most recognized form. Your trade secret is likely one of the most important things that gives you an edge in your success and survival amongst fierce competition. If you take your business into China, that still rings true. Thus, an understanding of the law of trade secrets in the P. R. China is essential in order for your to protect your trade secrets.

Unlike the United States, China does not have an unified body of law addressing the protection of trade secrets; in stead, trade secret protection laws are scattered in a few pieces of legislation, and the complexity of which warrants dedicated attention.

Definition of Trade Secret

Trade secret is defined as, pursuant to Several Regulations on Prohibiting Actions of Infringing Trade Secrets (《关于禁止侵犯商业秘密行为的若干规定》)

any formula, pattern, device, machine, process, technique, compilation of information, or program (referred to collectively as proprietaryinformation)

Regulations/Laws on Trade Secret

An article I ran into succinctly and accurately lays out the relevant laws on trade secret, I will try to shorten the pithy parts of it.

1. Article 10 of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law states that a competitor is prohibited from using the following measures to infringe upon another's trade secrets:a) To acquire the owner’s trade secret by theft, intimidation, or other improper approaches;b) To disclose, use, or allow others to use the owner's trade secrets that have been obtained through the above methods;c) To disclose, use or allow others use the trade secrets which breach the agreement or requirements of the owner.

It is considered a trade secret infringement for any third party to acquire, use or disclose another's trade secrets under the condition that he acknowledges the existence of illegal behavior as set forth in the above clauses.
Article 25 of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law further stipulates the penalties for violations under Article 10.

2. Article 22 of Labor Law of the P. R. China allows an employer to include a clause in an employment contract clause that affords protection for the employer's trade secrets. And a typical such clause appears in the form of a confidentiality agreement, which prohibits an employee from disclosing the employer’s trade secrets at the end of his/her employment.

3. Article 118 of the General Principle of Civil Law, Article 43 of the PRC Contract Law, and Article 219 of the Criminal Law.

Protective Measures

The same article quoted above suggests excellent ways to protect your trade secrets. It states:
it is important to keep the trade secrets conforming to the special features that are prescribed by the law, that is, unknown to the public, with business value and kept in secret. In the event of a breach, this allows for a legal basis for prosecution. For example, if a company leaves the trade secrets in unlocked file cabinets in unrestricted areas of the company, or leaves the documents disclosing trade secrets in garbage cans without shredding the documents, then they have more difficulty establishing that the trade secret was to remain unknown to the public or has high commercial value. It is sometimes surprising how many companies are susceptible to such a simple mistake. It is quite easy and inexpensive to establish such internal protective measures and with a documented policy on how such materials are to be handled, there becomes a point of reference for a court to base prosecution on.

Then, it provides practical steps to safeguard your trade secrets:

A. Maintain documentation that you are the legitimate owner of the trade secrets that you seek to protect.

B. Establish an internal trade secrets protection system:
Have a written trade secret plan and follow the plan
Train your employees on the protection of trade secrets
Sign and enforce confidentiality agreements

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